Sunday, April 7, 2013

Poem about Jealousy:

The jealousy bug has bit.
Today, it made me rage green.
The hulk, ready to attack.
I felt that every corner I turned I was about to bite someone for doing something that I should have been doing instead.
Obviously, it was my right to
take that trip,
Sing that song,
get that job,
have him to love.
But why did I not get what I wanted??
The world can be so unfair sometimes.
So unfair in fact... instead of giving me what I want, it gives me what I need.
The opportunity to take a different path.
So as much as I want to get angry and jealous,
should I rethink and take this opportunity to explore instead?
But sometimes, I just want to be green!
Green is my favorite color after all.
But maybe I could be more like the color of the green giant.
I mean, I have never heard someone say vegetables are bad for you after all.

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